Experience Nisarga's Lotus World ...

let the quality of awareness enter into your being

I dedicate this page to the healing sounds of MANTRAS

­My life with MANTRAS

Mantras mean a lot to me. These sacred syllables have been with me for a long time. And even though they seem to come from times long gone, I have the feeling: Mantras are always up to date. They are timeless, they are syllables of the present mOMent -  NOW!

My own feeling does not deceive me either, because mantras have always existed and will always exist. These are sounds that vibrate through the universe since ancient times and were received and delivered by self-realized, wise people (Rishis) in the deepest meditation. I am infinitely grateful that I have come in touch with these sounds of the Divine, Existence.

  • Surya Namaskar Mantra_1
  • Ganesha Mantra
  • Shanti Mantra
  • Asato Ma Sat Gamaya
  • Avalokiteshvara Mantra
  • Tibetan Prayer Flags
  • Om
  • AGNI Mantra
  • Seven Chakra Gayatri Mantra
  • Shivoham
  • ra ma da sa sa say sohung
  • Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
  • Dhyana Moksha Mantra
  • Hari Om Mantra
  • Om Namah Shivaya Shiva Shiva Mahadewa

MANTRAS are part of my daily life. And, strictly speaking, there is no beginning and no end. It is a constant hovering and vibrating in the world of mantras. Maybe this sounds a bit strange to you, but for me the sounds of the mantras are a way to find myself. And this path, which is actually not a real path, but a retreat, has something calming, peaceful. Are not we ourselves without beginning and without end?

My personal mantra accompanies me almost uninterruptedly. I sing and feel it quietly in me. But if I have to focus on words, like now, or talk to someone, then I do not sing it. But it's in me and resonates. I find that very healing and I am convinced that mantras can heal. These sounds are nothing but energy and vibration. And it's well known what energies and vibrations can accomplish!

So I keep repeating my mantra. This is also called Japa. Very often and above all in the morning I sing it loudly too. That gives me a special boost of joy and energy for the day!

MANTRAS can be recited either speaking, whispering, singing (Kirtan), writing or mentally  - at any time and for meditation. I also love singing bowl meditation. Each singing bowl has its own soul that wants to be awakened. One of my singing bowls has exactly the same tone as my vocals with the mantra "OM". This is a special experience for me every morning. I not only rub and hear the singing bowl, but I sing the OM, I hear it and together with the singing bowl I form a single, vibrating body of sound.

I write about my PERSONAL MANTRA all the time, now let me briefly say something about it:

I have learned that you do not reveal your personal mantra, otherwise it will lose its strength. This is a traditional rule, but which of us received the mantra from a guru in a sacred ceremony? There will probably only be a few. Most of us choose our own mantra or are found by it. It's like falling in love with a person or an animal. There is such an invisible energy that connects us, that made us meet in the first place. I have not been initiated into a mantra. I have always felt that it belongs to me. For so many years it had been the famous Gayatri. It connected me not only with the light, but also with the cosmic worldview of my hOMe Bali. There was also the OM or AUM. The small syllable "OM" contains the whole universe and for me there is no more wonderful mantra than the OM. It says everything. It's all. It contains everything. Almost every other mantra starts with the OM. No other mantra triggers such a vibration in me as the OM. No wonder that I emphasize it with every mantra. I also use it during Likhita Japa (see below). Since the pandemic 2020, however, I have felt that the Gayatri is not my personal mantra, but a mantra that belongs to everyone. It's such a universal mantra. It doesn't necessarily belong to any particular religion. It is a mantra that connects us regardless of the personal mantra. The Gayatri has become so topical, almost a top hit! Maybe that's what got me thinking. It is sung everywhere, in all possible variations and rhythms. Even when I was still living in Bali, it was background music from a supermarket. Like a catchy tune! I will never forget that! In any case, the Gayatri still divides my day into three parts during the "sandhyavandanam" (more about later). It accompanies me. Just like many other mantras accompany me throughout the day, because I awaken their energy in me for certain activities and moments. So there are mantras for the water, the fire, the food, medicine, and so on. I believe that many of my beloved Gayatri Sangha sisters and brothers also think that the Ganesha mantra is my personal mantra. But it is not like that. I also use the Ganesha mantra for certain times, for the beginning and especially when I know that I have to overcome obstacles (fear, anxities journey with the car, …). Then I use it to awaken my own powers. My personal mantra is an energy that lets me flow, that doesn't EXCLUDE anything, but that INCLUDES everything. I have been reciting SOHAM SHIVOHAM for a year. "I am That. I am Shiva. I am pure consciousness" Shiva already cast a spell on me as a teenager, especially in his portrayal as Linga. Shiva represents the ultimate reality. By reciting this mantra I strengthen my connection to the cycle of dissolution and a new beginning and try to weaken the ego. The mantra also connects so naturally with my breath. So-ham Shivo-ham. In spring 2021 I have noticed that the Guru Mantra is contacting me. It flows into my heart, into my soul. It was there before when I got to know it many years ago, but the Gayatri was stronger. The guru mantra does not exclude anything. All energies, all forces are contained in it. All teachers, all gurus and my beloved Balinese cosmos! And the bottom line: it reminds me that the guru is within me. That I myself am the truth. The path that the external gurus have shown me leads me to the true guru who does not need a path. The light in me that is nothing other than the whole, the absolute!  (click on the "sunset photo" to learn more about the Guru-Mantra)

Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru devo Maheshwara,

Guru sakshat, param Brahma, tasmai shri guravay namaha

For me, mantras are the sound energy that make me whole. I use the word "whole" rather than "heal" to show you what healing really means to me. By "healing" I mean that all the scattered energies in me are put together again. Singing, reciting, writing and listening to mantras ... these are all processes that give me harmony again. I feel joy and love. Mantras are a great gift! It is said that MANTRA YOGA is one of the most powerful, simplest and fastest ways to self-fulfillment. Self-realization of my own nature. Connection with the infinite. Although I cannot say that I have completely self-realized, but I feel how everything grows in me. And when I sing the OM with devotion, then I really feel connected to the infinite existence. Each mantra does something different in me and I want to share that experience with you. Maybe you have similar experiences already, if you already deal with mantras. Maybe I can still inspire you because I see something from a different perspective. Maybe I can learn something from you, too. I would be happy to hear from you. Above all, I also want to reach people for whom mantras are still new. To lead a life in the world of mantras is simply wonderful and valuable.

हरी ओ HARI OM हरी ओ

There are several ways you can work with MANTRAS. For me it is not really "working", for me it is more a "living".

One option is JAPA-YOGA.

Do you sometimes feel that your mind is full of thoughts? Commitments, work processes, plans and reflections of everyday life, fears, but also dreams and past things. Everything is buzzing in the mind. Then you can bring yourself back into balance with JAPA-YOGA.

This does not mean that JAPA YOGA is only used in such cases. JAPA is also a way for me to connect with the divine energy of sound. This energy is not outside of me. Rather, it is in and around me. I just have to get back access to it. I have to open myself to it, be receptive. And sometimes you are not.

JAPA (repeating a MANTRA) brings your mind back to a point. It is the natural point of your origin - silence! It is best to use a rosary, a JAPA MALA with 108 pearls (one for each energy line in the body) and a larger pearl, the “MERU” or “GURU”. This one should not cross over. Either you end your mantra recitation or you just go back. With the help of the thumb and the middle finger, you move pearl by pearl and recite or sing once per pearl the selected mantra. If possible, hold the mala above the navel center. This creates a vibration deep inside you. If that's not the case, be patient, be patient with your thoughts, too. When they come, just go back to the sound of the mantra again and again. Do not damn the thoughts. Not everything works the first time. The path to yourself needs time and dedication. Let the mantra vibrate in sync with your heart. Gradually, peace will come to you. Peace is silence.

With a little practice you will find that a certain rhythm arises. Between the repetitions of the mantra there is always a small gap, silence! And the longer you go in JAPA YOGA, the more that little gap of silence becomes meditation. It happens. The thoughts dissolve, you dissolve.

In the beginning it may be better to recite the mantra aloud. Then you hear yourself and you are not so distracted by something else so fast.

Another possibility is the devoted singing of the MANTRA.


The nice thing is, singing makes you happy! So I feel that way. And the magical sounds of Sanskrit not only fill the entire space in which you find yourself. No, the sounds resonate throughout the world! And the most important thing: They fill you with the vibration. When I sing mantras, I feel grateful to be a part of this creation. A tuning fork harmonizes musical instruments. With a mantra I harmonize my body, my mind and my soul. Mantras are really healing sounds. Maybe it's not the words themselves. Mantra make us do something for ourselves. Suddenly we move our larynx. Suddenly, our body vibrates. Singing makes us happy. And so on. These are all things that lead us on the path of self-healing. Maybe you should really start with the MANTRA-SINGING first, before you go to the JAPA.

And when I'm talking about MANTRA-SINGING and KIRTAN. Please inquire. Maybe a mantra concert will be given near you. There, many people sing together mantras. In these moments whole halls vibrate! This is so wonderfully healing. The artists do not see themselves as main characters. They see themselves only as an occasion for people to come together and sing the sacred syllables out into the world. Also on the internet. In social media, many people connect to sing Mantras together. Like in the Gayatri Sangha OMline APPshram, for example. We meet at least once a week with Deva Premal and Miten to chant and meditate.

Now you have learned how to recite MANTRAS. For example, with the help of JAPA-Yoga loud, whispering or silent inside. Then there is singing without a Mala, either alone, in a group or maybe even with thousands of people. But there is something else:

You can also listen to MANTRAS. Real, true LISTENING.

Sit in a holy place and listen to the mantra. (This place can also be a room in your home) Important: really listen, become a part of it. Each "singer" has a completely different voice, a different rhythm and style, a different way to pass on mantras to you. Yet something connects everyone: the silence at the end of the mantra.

You can also sit next to someone who intimately recites or sings mantras. That can be anywhere in this world. Maybe also in the countries of origin in Asia, if that is possible for you. Listen, for example, to the monks of Tibet, a Sadhu in India or Nepal. Celebrate with people their festivals. These are all unforgettable moments and these MANTRAS will accompany you throughout your life.

likhita japa mandala with the 21-day mantra meditation journey vol2 of Deva Premal & Miten / + seven times the Seven Chakra Gayatri Mantra

Now I am describing to you a possibility to work with MANTRA, that deeply rooted in my heart:


Have you ever tried to sing, hear, see, feel, paint and write a mantra? I mean, all together in a moment? It is always a wonderful time for me, an oneness with the Divine. And do you know how to realize this moment? With the help of LIKHITA JAPA. LIKHITA means as much as writing down. And JAPA is the name for reciting mantra, the mantra repeating. Generally this is done with the help of a Mala, a chain that has 108 beats in Buddhism or Hinduism. (see above)

digital Vajrasattva Likhita Japa 108

In the evening, or at night, I always float in the sphere of LIKHITA JAPA and write down my personal mantra infinite times. Usually 1-2 hours before I go to bed. The mantra starts to vibrate in my body and finds an exit in my hands. My fingers then bring it to the paper. In most cases, a mandala is created from this. It is not ME who paints this mandala, I only serve as a medium of higher energy. The sheet is full. Silent meditation.
For me, LIKHITA JAPA is a great gift.

Find your personal mantra and start writing it down. Seek a quiet space that is sacred to you. Do not be disturbed by noise or anyone. That's the reason why I do it at night! You can write the mantra with the beautiful Sanskrit script, but also in our ordinary script. Actually, a pen and a piece of paper or a notebook are enough. I myself have many different pens, brushes, colors, types of paper in my sacred room. And it is always an experience, what then arises on paper. Pastel, watercolor, ink, in silver, in gold, graphite ... guided by the divine! Preserve your LIKHITA JAPA scriptures in a place that is sacred to you. Enjoy your first, very personal experience of the mantra-writing!

You've probably heard before that the best time to meditate, for ASANAS and JAPA-YOGA is the time before sunrise. That's certainly true. When I was in Asia, I practiced my traditional sadhanas (asana, mudra, mantra, meditation) early in the morning before dawn. And also for the sunset! I have to say, these are really wonderful times. An atmosphere that is already sacral by itself. In everyday life this is not so possible for me. I practice my sadhanas around the clock. Just, when I feel, they are good for me. At sunrise, in any case, but not before, because I go to bed too late. I am an artist and the best time for it is at night, when everything is quiet and the existence has free access to my being. Actually, I live all day in the world of SADHANAS and MANTRAS. There is no "extra time"!

Do not mind that you cannot do JAPA-YOGA at the "classic" time. The main thing is, you enjoy it, no matter when. Sing, no matter in which rhythm, slowly, quickly! Recite mantras, loud, whispering, in your heart. Write mantras, draw a picture with mantras. Take the time that you have and that does not overwhelm you. Gradually something will grow in you and you will "practice" more by yourself. Nothing should be a must, everything should flow through you and come from your heart. Arrive home! I love the English word "home", because in it is the OM!  h OM e.

Which MANTRA heals to your soul?

There are an incredible number of mantras, Hindu, Buddhist, but also other religions and cultures know mantras. It does not seem easy to find the right one for yourself. But as you have already read, I write "seemingly". And that has a reason. I had never sought a personal mantra. It came to me. Suddenly I felt the greatest devotion and trust, love and healing. And I feel that is the right way. I have to have confidence in the mantra. Traditionally, one gets a mantra from a priest, master or guru at the mantra consecration. This is undoubtedly a very special moment. But is that really a mantra that fits my soul? Personally, I think that I can freely decide for myself. And when I suddenly feel that the mantra no longer vibrates harmoniously in my heart, then I grew out of it. Everything is constantly changing, maybe you realize that the mantra you were attracted to is not yours. That can happen at the beginning. It's best to try it first and familiarize yourself with the different sounds. Listen to mantra songs of different singers, listen to the traditional rhythms of mantras. Listen to your own voice. And at some point you realize: This is my MANTRA! This is good for me, it heals me!

In addition, you can also sing and use other mantras. I will also tell you many mantras that you can use in your everyday life. Then your mundane actions become sacred.

One more thing about the meanings of MANTRAS:

In Sanskrit, every syllable has several meanings. Therefore, there is not just ONE translation, but many interpretations. After so many years of reciting or singing mantras, I have a very unique idea of ​​what they mean to me. In general, I do not like "begging mantras," as I call it. Living in the light, in meditation and ahimsa, has made me a being that no deity asks for anything. Prayer is for me to be thankful. I do not pray to get something.  When I recite the Ganesha Mantra, I do not ask Ganesha to remove the obstacles for me and bring me success. I love Ganesha because he reminds me that I have the power to remove obstacles that is on my way as a test. And what is success? Money? Prosperity? I am delighted when I see at the end of the day that I have made a difference. When a picture has been finished, when I could do my job, when I could follow my heart, etc. So when I explain mantras to you, it's often a tightrope walk for me. On the one hand there is the traditional translation, on the other hand my feeling about what the mantra actually wants to say.

And now come with me into the world of mantras! Enjoy it!


BIJA MANTRAS are also called root or seed mantras. Bijas can be compared to seeds that contain all the potential of a plant or a living thing. These mantras usually consist of only one syllable. It is said that bija mantras are particularly powerful. The most original and sacred bija mantra is the syllable OM or AUM. And of that syllable, I can truly say that it is powerful and divine!!! It changes everything in me every day, makes me vibrate, and carries me into another sphere!

In principle, a BIJA MANTRA is a magical sound. Every deity in Hinduism has its own sound and thus its own bija mantra. The "sound" of Ganesha is GAM (he also has other sounds, as you'll see later). The bija of Shiva and Durga is among others HRIM, of Saraswati AIM; Lakshmi has the bija-mantras SHRIM and KLIM, etc ...

It is said that a BIJA possesses the power and complete teaching of a deity. This little syllable contains the essence of a long text, a thousand stanzas or verses!

The longer mantras ultimately come from the respective BIJA MANTRAS. The best-known bija mantra is OM as I said before. OM is ultimately the essence and thus the seed of every mantra. OM is everything and is contained in everything.

By the way, every CHAKRA in your body has its own BIJA MANTRA. They are named LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM, HAM, OM and MMM. Part of my morning sadhana is that I recite one of these BIJA several times. (I dedicate a specific CHAKRA every day of the week, beginning with MULADHARA CHAKRA on Mondays and SAHASRARA CHAKRA on Sundays)

Also the known five elements of our world, have BIJA-MANTRAS: ether, air, fire, water and earth, are HAUM, YAM, RAM, VAM and LAM.

If you want to learn more about Bija Mantras, then click on the photo or the button!

to continue please click here



NIGURNA MANTRAS are directed to the Cosmic, Divine and Universal. They are abstract and explain the unity of the meditator with the Absolute. They do not appeal to a particular deity, object or idol. They are without name and form.

Nirguna mantras are more advanced, intended for deeper meditation and require higher concentration.


symbolizes, or rather, is the all-embracing unity, the cosmic consciousness, that merges with everything. I will set up a separate page for the OM soon. Then you can learn a lot about this wonderful sound. There is also a wonderful AUM meditation from my beloved Guruji Osho. Click on the button, then enjoy this meditation.



(SO means "IT", HAM means "I") HAM-SA means: I am that, I am neither body nor mind, I am the immortal self, I am the divine, so I am part of this whole, and so is the divine in me. In the Nirguna mantra SO-HAM, the ego is not in the foreground, but the divine. I am the divine.

SO-HAM and HAM-SA are MANTRAS of harmony and breath. Later, I will give you some examples of how to use mantras to consciously observe your breath: With the mantra SO-HAM / HAM-SA, with every breath I can experience the true nature of myself. SO-HAM is a very holy mantra. There is a beautiful SO-HAM meditation. You will find it on my "sadhana in traditional sense"-page.  Click on the button ...

SO-HAM mediation


means: I am Brahman. I am Divine. I am universal consciousness. I recognize my divine nature. Every single soul is part of the great cosmic soul.


means: “That” is you. Your true reality is divine. If I am Divine then you too are Divine. In this sense we should actually live. There is no difference. Good and bad are human reviews. We are all one.



means: your being is absolute being. Everything that is, is Divine. Everything in this world is a manifestation of the divine. This mantra teaches me to see the Divine in everything and to live in this truth. It is illusory to think that you are a separate entity. Instead of OM TAT SAT I also use as HARI OM TAT SAT at the end of any mantra, puja or meditation. HARI means the divine.


means that consciousness is Brahman. When I am really aware of myself, then I see that there is no difference between the true self and the divine. I am Brahman and Brahman is me.



SAGUNA MANTRA literally means "MANTRA with characteristics and form". These MANTRAS invoke a particular deity or aspects of the Absolute. They are also called ISHTA MANTRAS.

God or the existence or the divine (you can call it as you like) is the pure self, the soul, Atman ... the divine is formless. I see the Divine only when it manifests itself in anything. This can be a flower, the water, the fire, the sun, the moon, etc., or even a deity.

The SAGUNA MANTRAS expresses the various aspects of divine-universal energies. The masculine aspects of these energies find their expression in Shiva, Ganesha, Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, Hanuman, ... the females in Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kali, etc...

First of all, I would like to emphasize again: I personally do not worship a deity in the traditional sense. For me the aspects of the respective deity are important. Images or the mantra of a deity simply remind me to let this aspect grow in me. I also do not wish for anything from a deity. I visualize its powers and am aware of activating them in myself. I work day in and day out to go one step further in this light. When I feel the auras of Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Durga, etc., I remember that I too have the opportunity to activate the energy. With this in mind, you should see my translations for the mantras. Nevertheless, I do not want to withhold traditional rites etc. from you in some articles. They can help you to gain awareness.

Here are a few examples for SAGUNA MANTRAS:


I have a very special relationship with Ganesha. These aspects of the divine have accompanied me since my youth:

1. the new beginning, new adventures

2. develop strength and courage to remove mental obstacles.

3. I do not have to live ascetically to be religious.

4. I want to use my life to learn, to go on a spiritual journey.

The Ganesha Bija Mantra (seed mantra) is one of the first mantras I recite every morning. It is like a soul food for me. Ganesha statues are everywhere in our house and garden - in all materials, colors and shapes. And maybe you have already seen it on photos: I wear a big Ganesha pendant at the height of my heart chakra. My husband, Hubert, gave it to me as a tribute. Twenty-five years ago, I had run our shop in Frankfurt for the first time, while Hubert was making a film about the Ganesha-Charturthi-Festival in Mumbai / India. It was a big responsibility and a step into something new! Although I am a Osho sannyasin, I see no contradiction to be connected with this elephant-headed Hindu deity: Ganesha is cheerful, courageous, meditative, wise, and goes new ways!

The bija mantra has the power of unity and as such, it removes all energetic blocks from my existence.

Many people see Ganesha as the god of happiness. He cannot give you happiness. You are responsible for that. But you can use his core statements as inspiration for your life. Take the obstacles that stand in your way as a chance. Do not damn this circumstances, but use all your strength to overcome them. Learn from these experiences. Have the courage to do something new. Be happy, playful and yet responsible. Live religiously on the "marketplace"as my beloved Guru Osho always said !

I have a whole page on which I explain many Ganesha mantras to you. Click on the button, then you come to the mantras.

Ganesha Mantras


Ganesha is the formless energy from which everything manifests and into which everything will dissolve. Ganesh is the embodiment of spirituality, prosperity, wisdom and consciousness. Ganesha stands for the new beginning. This could be a business deal, a new job, a new relationship, a journey, a new building or apartment, etc. .Ganesha always reminds me, that I need not be afraid of obstacles. Remove them and grow through experience! I only need courage and inner strength. Above all, obstacles only arise when I have expectations. If I look from a different perspective, they may disappear by themselves! In mid-2020 I started writing about Ganesha every Monday in the Global Gayatri Sangha. Sometimes it was an anecdote about him or the meaning of his body. Sometimes it was one of the many mantras or just a personal experience. A poem. It is arguably the most unusual Ganesha site on the internet! Just let yourself be surprised! Come with me into the world of Ganesha! click on the button below...

world of Ganesha


This is a very well known mantra. In India and Nepal you can hear it almost on every corner - the sadhus come to mind right now. This mantra has captivated me from the first moment and I have recited it with the sadhus and Hindus in temples. Shiva is one of the great Hindu deities. In addition to Brahma (creator) and Vishnu (received), Shiva represents the universal power of destruction. With him all being ends, but with him it also begins again. Destruction for a new beginning! How wonderful! This is exactly how our nature works. Destruction sounds cruel, but this is the only way to create space for new things. Perhaps the word "transformation" is also the better one. I've learned that only through experiences like this can I grow and get creative. Shivaists also see their deity as the energy that creates, sustains, destroys and transforms. In Bali, the deities are not worshiped in the form of statues. There you will find Shiva, Vishnu, Lakshmi and the many other deities in nature. And what better embodies the aspect of Shiva than a volcano? Shiva is the sacred volcano Gunung Agung. In yoga, Shiva represents the transformation of our lower nature into divine energy. So, if you are not afraid of a new beginning, just let go of your ego, dissolve into divinity and create space for new things.


is a mantra for the brave, for people who really want to change and go into deep meditation.

It is a very ascetic, powerful mantra. 

"I bow down to Shiva, I bow down to my inner self"

The mantra itself is NAMAH SHIVA

and can also be recited in reverse SHIVA NAMAHA.

It is the most important Panchaksharamantra for Shivaists.


Panchaksharamantra means five syllable mantra. It is the root mantra (mulamantra) of the Shiva worshipers.

 The five "holy" syllables of the mantra stand for

Maya, (illusion) the Anavamala (cause of karmic action), Shiva, Shakti and the cosmic soul.

Another source says that the five syllables represents the five elements
Shiva is  said to have five activities
to create, to keep, to pulverize, to disguiz, to effortlessly reveal

The mantra transforms our own (worldly-contaminated) activities into the pure activities of Shiva, basically into the activities of our own pure nature. Our five senses, how we take in something, i.e. through seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching, are also purified with the mantra. 

NA gives us the strength of the earth,

MA makes us flow like water,

SI awakens the fire in us,

through the VA of the air we realize our true imperceptible nature,

and YA gives us the space.

In connection with the cosmic original OM it forms a six-syllable mantra (sadaksharamantra)

and is mentioned for the first time in the Shivapurana.

It is said that one who does Japa with Panchakshara is freed from the cycle of death and rebirth and attains eternal bliss. Panchakshara is the body of Nataraja - Shiva, the cosmic dancer. Shiva lives in this mantra. It is his hOMe.

If you want to know more about Shiva, then click on the photo. There you will also find a lot of mantras dedicated to Shiva.

ॐ नमः शिवाय


Beauty, wealth, success, prosperity and happiness. Wow, you will definitely say now. That's what I want! That will be my mantra. But it's not that easy. How often do customers come to our shop and want a figure for happiness, for money, for love ... In fact, these people think that everything can only happen through something external. Of course, a statue (Murti), an image is a tool, but basically the external is the image of our inner world. Almost everyone looks through colourful glasses (so I'll do that anyway!?). Everyone has a very specific idea and opinion. Everyone is shaped by society. And it is with this background that everyone sees the world. Only when you break away from these patterns does everything around you look different. I would like to say that in advance.

What is luck? What is wealth? What is success? What is beauty? There are as many answers as there are people. Maybe it's better if I ask: what is true happiness? What is true prosperity? What is true success? What is true beauty? And already the answers become more profound. In Bali, Lakshmi is called Dewi Sri. She is worshiped as a rice goddess in a small temple at the top of the rice field. Rice is sacred in Bali, because Dewi Sri lives in the rice plant, and depending on growth or how far it has been processed, the Balinese have a different name for the rice. Prosperity is therefore, if I have enough to eat. Prosperity is health. Prosperity has nothing to do with an account full of money. It's the simple things that make me heal. Luck? Lucky, that's my responsibility. I create happiness for myself. Everything I do now has a consequence. So I do something that makes me happy. And that can only be something that comes from the bottom of my heart. You've probably ever heard the saying beauty comes from within! No matter how I look, if I'm at peace with myself, then it shines on my outward appearance. Whether I am small or tall, fat or thin, whether I am immaculate or full of scars. All that does not matter then. I am beautiful because my soul is beautiful because I live from the heart.

Lakskmi (for me it is Dewi Sri) reminds me of all these aspects. I am satisfied with what I have. I'm thankfull. And if I think differently again? Then I sing the Lakshmi mantra or look at Lakshmi. That brings me back to the true reality. Lakshmi is a goddess with a giving character. It also reminds me that I should share my happiness with others. Generosity. And when I see that I have made other beings happy, isn't that success ??

om shreem maha Lakshmiyei namaha

Salutations to the Great Lakshmi

 This statement is from the Shri Suktam in the Rig Veda, which is the oldest of the Vedas.

SAGUNA MANTRAS formed from the bija (seed) of the respective deity:

These mantras have a specific pattern: they usually begin with the cosmic syllable OM, invoking divine energy. Next follows the BIJA of the Deity. It contains the full power of the respective deity and as mentioned before, it can also be recited on its own. It is the seed from which the "tree of mantra" grows. The heart of these mantras is the name of the respective deity, which is used in the dative form.  The conclusion is usually the "Namah/ Namaha". It expresses the orientation of the consciousness towards the respective deity. It means something like "I bow to you". You can also end it with "Svaha". This is also a very beautiful version and means something like "I offer myself to you".

Here some examples:

Saraswati: OM AIM Saraswatyai Namah

Vishnu: Om KLEEM Vishnave Namah 

Kali: OM SHREE Mahakalikayai Namah

Vishnu / Krishna: OM KLEEM Krsnaya Namah

Shiva as Pashupati: OM HROOM Pashupatayai Namah

Hanuman: OM SHREE Hanumate Namaha

Durga: OM DUM Durgayai Namaha

Rama: OM RAM Ramaya Namah

Buddha: OM BUM Buddhaya Namah

Shiva Mahakala Bhairava: OM BRAM Kalabhairavaya Namah
Vishnu as Narasimha: OM KSRAUM Narasimhaya Namah

and much more ...


MOKSHA MANTRAS are mantras that lead to liberation, to enlightenment. In principle, it is the mantra in which you were initiated. Maybe it is the mantra that you encountered in a special moment. Or it is the mantra that appeals to you and fills your heart! Be open, it will find you!

Osho explains the true meaning of Vedic mantras in a modern way

“Mantra is good to make peace with your Mind.”~ OSHO

Osho never spoke against the use of mantra. Indeed he recommended chanting of mantra for a sannyasin who is starting with the meditation process. A mantra is like lighting your place with candles, scented sticks and flowers to create the right ambience to perform your own rituals. A mantra is having a vibrational effect on your mind and prevent the mind from wandering. Osho also emphasized that there is a time when you should eventually discard the use of mantra in your sadhana. This is necessary to get yourself free from any kind of attachment. He always suggested using mantra when your mind is wandering and you need some tool to stop mind wandering.

Osho very well described the effect of some mantra such as


So these mystic sounds are for me THE OSHO MANTRAS!

OSHO said that he chose these mantras as the most significant, the most profound. He explained the meaning to us, because only the meaning will help that these mantras work deeper within us. These meanings will not only touch our hearts, but also our intelligence. And you need to be touched in your entirety to transform yourself.

press this button to read more about the "OSHO Mantras"

GAYATRI MANTRA- the essence of the Vedas

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥá  savitúr váreṇiyaṃ bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyath

It's been 23 years since Deva Premal came into my life ... as a sound, the sound of cosmic light. I heard her voice, no, it was more the scent of her soul that came to me in a sound. It was love at first "note". I heard her sing the Gayatri and felt a deep connection. Connectedness with Deva Premal and of course Miten, especially because they chanted the mantras in a form that I could chant myself. Yes, suddenly I discovered in myself that there was a musical voice after all. Before, mantras were something very traditional for me, but with them came so much ease into this old tradition. And the Gayatri in particular meant so much to me because it embodies the living cosmos of my former (soul) hOMe Bali. Since then the Gayatri has been with me all day. I recite it traditionally, sing it, write it and feel it. I sing it in so different ways, alive like life. It lives in me, awakened by Deva Premal and Miten. I am so grateful to them for that and this is what I want to share you on this page.

click here to enter the world of Gayatri

Soon I would like to share the following MANTRAS with you:


- MANTRAS for your everyday life. Feel the day as the source of your spiritual power!

For example:

om apo bhurbhuvarsuvarapa om ... (for water)

om hrim agni rupaya hrim om namaha (für Feuer)      etc.

- lightful MANTRAS with SAGUNA and NIRGUNA aspects

For example:

Mahamritunjaya Mantra, Asatoma Sat Gamaya Mantra, Purnam Mantra,

Surya Namaskar, Moola Mantra,    etc.


For example: Ra  Ma Da Sa Sa Sae Sohung,   Mahamritunjaya Mantra,   

Aushadhim Janavi Toyam Vaidyo Narayana Hari

Teyata Om bekanze Bekanze Mahabekanze Radza Samutgate Soha,    etc.


for example:

Om Mani Padme Hum,   Om Tare Tuttare Ture Soha,   Gate Gate (heart sutra),

Om Ah Hung Vajra Siddhi Hum,  Om Benza Sato Hung,    etc.


for example:

Gurur Brahma Mantra,    Guru Wahe,  Ad Gurenamay,  Buddham Sarranam Gacchami,   etc


for example:

Sachara Chara Pari Purna Shivoham,   Chidananda, Satyam Shivam Sundaram,  Omkaram,  etc.

-other mantras and kirtans dedicated to various aspects of the divine

for example:

Shiva, Ganesha, Krishna, Vishnu or Devi/Shakti Kirtans

My website has no claim to be scientific. It should only serve as inspiration.

HARI OM and Namaste!

I am pleased that you have visited my website.

I am happy to answer any questions or give you information. I am open to spiritual exchange. Please use the following contact form or click the photo.

With love, Ma Prarthana Nisarga

(Hari OM means: May our hearts be interconnected and aware that we are part of a cosmic whole. May we contribute something together to the Cosmic Whole!)



ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः ।तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं ।भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि ।धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥtát  savitúr váreṇiyaṃ bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyāt