ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः ।तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं ।भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि ।धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्
oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥá savitúr váreṇiyaṃ bhárgo devásya dhīmahi dhíyo yó naḥ pracodáyath
I love the longer version of the Gayatri mantra, also called the Seven Chakra Gayatri Mantra. It's so beautiful to sing. There is something very sacred about it, especially as it is sung by Deva Premal. Just wonderful.
The longer Gayatri also plays a role in the Sandhyavandanam ceremony (see Gayatri page). With the Gayatri Mantra Kriyas you can activate the chakras and the Lokas (planes of being or existence) in your consciousness. In this case, "Kriyas" are hand movements that purify and set your spiritual energy centers in motion. They are performed with the right hand. The left hand rests on your left knee while you sit in the meditation position. Both hands are open upwards, i.e. receiving. The Gayatri-Mantra-Kriyas connect you with your soul (atman).
I always start a mantra with a Namaste (Anjali mudra).
I greet the divine in everything that is, in me and of course in the Gayatri mantra.
And how much divinity there is in these heavenly words. Imagine any deity, imagine any mantra - it lives in Gayatri!
Recite the long Gayatri mantra at least three times with the kriyas, then recite the long or short Gayatri mantra at least ten times without the kriyas. Finally, recite it again with the kriyas and stay in the third eye.
But you can also combine it with the Gayatri Mudras. Start by reciting the long Gayatri with the kriyas, then celebrate the syllables of the Gayatri with the mudras. This is followed by the Gayatri cycle (1/4, ½ or the whole with 108) and the conclusion is then again the long Gayatri with the Kriyas. So and here I explain the kriyas to you. They are really easy to learn ...
BHUR, BHUVAH and SVAHA are grosser manifestations to start the mantra meditation:
OM BHUR Touch the thumb to the base of the ring finger
OM, I meditate on the BHUR Loka, the consciousness of the physical plane/1. Chakra: Root Chakra (Muladhara)
OM BHUVAH Touch the thumb to the base of the little finger
OM, I meditate on the BHUVAH Loka, the consciousness of the “Prana”, the intermediate space/2. Chakra: Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
OM SVAHA Touch the thumb to the middle of the little finger
OM, I meditate on the SVAHA Loka, the consciousness of the beginning of the Divine mind, Svaha is also called Swarga and means heaven/3. Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Now the mantra meditation moves into a more subtle level ...
OM MAHA Touch the thumb to the tip of the little finger
OM,I meditate on the MAHA Loka , a powerful, even more subtle level that is felt as the all-pervading consciousness/4. Chakra: Heart Chakra (Anahata)
OM JANAHA Touch the thumb to the tip of the ring finger
OM, I meditate on the JANAHA Loka, a creative, even more subtle level, which is perceived as all-creating consciousness/5. Chakra: Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
OM TAPAHA Touch the thumb to the tip of the middle finger
OM, I meditate on the TAPAHA Loka, an even more subtle level, filled with divine energy and illumination of the Shakti (the feminine power)/6.Chakra: Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
OM SATYAM Touch the thumb to the tip of the index finger
OM, I meditate on the SATYAM Loka, the finest level that connects to the consciousness of Brahman, the space of absolute truth/7.Chakra: Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Touch the thumb to the middle of the index finger
Touch the thumb to the base of the index finger
OM, I meditate on the divine illumination that has manifested itself in the adorable (VARENYAM)
and naturally divine-radiant (BHARGO DEVASYA) SAVITUR,
DHIYO YO NAH PRACHODAYAT Touch the thumb to the base of the middle finger
may this divine intelligence (DHIYO) awaken our piritual consciousness (PRACODAYAT)
Touch the first three fingers to the right eye
Touch the first three fingers to the left eye
Touch the first three fingers to the third eye
OM, that Divine Consciousness which is
APO ,All-Pervading
JYOTIR, Divine Effulgence,
RASO, Divine Essence,
AMRITAM, immortal and nectar-like, blissful),
SATCHITANANDA BRAHMAN, experience of the ultimate unchanging reality, "existence, consciousness, and bliss" or "truth, consciousness, bliss"
has manifested in grosser forms as
BHUR Loka, physical plane
BHUVAH Loka, the intermediate space
SVAHA Loka, Heaven),
Which is the essence of OM
My "Gayatri-Page" has no claim to be scientific. It should only serve as inspiration.
OM Bhur Bhuvah Svaha Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dhiyo Yo Nat Prachodayath!
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From heart to heart, Nisarga
and kisses from Mowgli
white lotus flower in our pond on Bali